eRailinfo provides passenger reservation enquiry of Indian Railway about train enquiry, Train Fare Enquiry to the passengers of India. Also you will get information about running train status, Seat Availability, live pnr status and Trains Between Stations.
Erailinfo provides the information about trains between stations. You need to put your source station and destination station. You will get information about the train live running status or current spots of the train. By simply using the train number or train name. Here information available for arrival departure the trains at stations. You will get information about majorly all the running trains in India.
On Erailinfo one can easily navigate to the trains between source and destination. You can use this link trains between stations to get the details. Here passenger will get the train arrival times and departure times. You will also get the information about the Cancelled Trains and Train Schedule of a train.
Erail master data for all the stations and trains in Indian Railways.